If you're a far off national living within the UAE on a Residence Visa, then you're allowed to bring your dependents with you thru a UAE Family Visa . However, not everyone can bring their dependents along as there are certain requirements that need to be met such as have audit firm to help you .
Requirements to Sponsor Someone for a UAE Family Visa
To be ready to sponsor relations to the UAE, you want to fulfill the subsequent conditions:
· Male expatriates must have a minimum salary of AED 4,000 per month or AED 3,000 per month plus accommodation
· Female expatriates must have a minimum monthly salary of AED 10,000 or AED 8,000 plus accommodation and have account in accounting firm
· Additionally, all relations who are over 18 need to pass a medical fitness test taken at a government-approved health centre. they're going to be tested for HIV and Tuberculosis.
· The UAE doesn't recognize couple , therefore you can't sponsor your spouse if you're during a same-sex relationship.
What Professions are Eligible for Family Visa in UAE?
As of 2019, there are not any specific professions that are eligible to sponsor their relations for a UAE Family Visa. Any foreign worker who meets the salary requirements can bring their relations to the UAE.
Who are you able to Sponsor for a UAE Family Visa?
It is easier for a male expatriate to sponsor his relations to the UAE than it's for a lady . If you're a person who is on the Dubai on a Residence Visa, you'll bring the subsequent relations on a Family Visa to the UAE:
· Your wife. If you're a Muslim resident, you'll also sponsor two wives but you want to meet certain terms began by the GDRFA.
· Your sons. you'll sponsor your sons as long as they're 18 or under. If the sons are over 18, you'll still sponsor them but as long as they're students, and only up to the age of 21. Additionally, if the sons are over 18, they need to enter the UAE a minimum of once every six months if studying abroad otherwise their UAE visa are going to be canceled.
· You can handle accounting firm to help you out.
· Your daughters. you'll sponsor your daughters as long as they're unmarried.
· Your parents. you'll also sponsor your parents, provided you meet the subsequent conditions:
You sponsor both parents unless one among them has gave up the ghost
You pay a deposit as a guarantee for every parent
You get your parents a medical policy
You have a monthly salary of AED 20,000 or a AED 19,000 plus a two-bedroom accommodation
Your stepchildren. you'll also sponsor your stepchildren if you get a written No Objection Certificate from the biological parent. The visa for stepchildren is valid for one year and renewable.
How to Apply for UAE Family Visa?
Family visas for the UAE are often sponsored by either the expatriate or his/her employer. As a far off resident, you want to submit a UAE Family Visa application within 60 days of receiving your own UAE Residence Visa.
Applying for a Family Visa Dubai
Since Dubai is a component of the UAE, if you're living in Dubai as an expatriate, and you would like to bring your relations with you, you want to meet an equivalent sponsorship requirements as began above. you'll apply for your family members’ Dubai Family Visa , You can handleaudit firm to help you out .